Monday, July 31, 2006

31 July 2006

Well today was one of the worst days of the year. Went for lecture for once and didnt even learn a shit. Then injury got the best of me during bowling roll offs, bowled a pathetic 136 average. Now i need a 197 average to make a 160 overall average zzz. I really need a long break from bowling =/, my elbow cant take it. Well, at least i can enjoy DH, Grey's anatomy and scrubs now; put a smile on this glum face.

Sunday, July 30, 2006

Sunday 30th, 2006

Well today was like any other sunday, got up and enjoyed gundam seed destiny. Most of the rest of my day was spent getting this blog up. Woohoo my first post and its so short, I'm such a boring person =O but hey everyone likes a carefree Sunday.


Well this is the opening chapter of my first blog. The first thing you should know about me is that I'm Crazy with a capital C about Marion Raven, hence its inclusion in the name of my blog. Secondly, I'm a real serious gamer, both online and platform-based. I also play street soccer and pool regularly and I bowl competitively too. My other obsessions include anything and everything X-men and Garfield. Well thats about all you have to know bout' me for now.

Stay tuned