Thursday, August 03, 2006

Genetic Mess (Thursday 3/07/06)

As usual, thursday was the only day I had to wake up at the unholy hours of 6.30am to make the 8am HTECH lab. And like every thursday before today, I snoozed both of my alarm clocks to 7.15 before finally and very reluctantly waking up. So I showered and got ready; omg it was already 7.35am, was praying for smooth traffic as i grabbed my stuff before heading out.

Surprisingly, I only had 1 problem on the way which was a L-plate army truck that caused traffic to travel on old Tampines road at 30km/h. As the immediate car behind it, I'm proud to say that I kept my cool for the entire stretch but finally lost it when he failed to turn with the green arrow showing for such a long time. kinda regret horning the fella but hey, my horn sounds like a kitten's purr rather than a lion's roar. Anyway, I hope I have better control next time and in the immortal words of "My Name is Earl" 's Earl Hickey, "Don't make me karma's Biatch".

Anyways, I got a good lot today near the AS block and got to class at 8am exact =]. Today's Htech lab was special, we did piss stains, literally. After lab, Martin, my secretary & Randall and I headed to business for brunch. It's been quite sometime since I had chicken rice, too bad I had to have it for dinner as well =/.

Later, the 3 of us headed to check on our MGEN lab endeavours; luckily, we got the results and the marks to boot. Next was Poh's Aimm tut, boooring zzz... We got back our previous quiz and I was expecting to fail and almost met my expectations, another plus for the day =].

After that, I headed home to freshen up and study for my UIR quiz; passed that later too =]. Now, if you have been reading and wondering why today's entitled Genetic Mess, here it is. I just got back from TP after UIR, had dinner and showered. Now I'm stuck mugging chapters 5 and 6 of Molecular Genetics, 2 topics for which I didnt attend the lectures, then again... I've missed 90% of the lectures this semester =o.


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